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Mitsubishi Cargo Truck CRT0423-0017-3

Mitsubishi Cargo Truck CRT0423-0017-3

Regular price ₱1,769,600.00
Regular price Sale price ₱1,769,600.00
Sale Sold out

SKU: CRT0423-0017-3

Condition: Used Machine

Availability: Immediate, not being used

Location: Quezon City

Prior Use: Hardware, CargoTransportation

Quick Description:

Make Mitsubishi
Product Type Cargo Truck
Engine 6D15 Turbo
Year Model 2020


What are the goods? 

1. Chassis and frame are in good condition.  

2. Engine passed the performance test.  

3. No unusual noise during starting, idle and shutdown of engine.  

4. Normal smoke color and no remarkable issue being observed. 

What needs to rework/repair? 

1. Minor cosmetic issues such as broken side mirror and rusts on some hard to reach areas.  

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  • Scheduled Visit

    You may call our QUIPP hotline 0915-164-2951 for schedule of visit. We strongly recommend 3 days of lead time for schedule of visit.

  • Product Disclaimer

    All information indicated and images shown may vary from the actual unit. We suggest to make personal visit to the specified machine location prior on buying.